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I'm Caitlin Christensen, the founder of Creative SEO Coach, with over 8 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. I specialise in SEO for Showit websites offering SEO Services and courses. 

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How to Build Geo Landing Pages For SEO


By Caitlin Christensen

Do you want your business to show up in multiple locations on Google?

Maybe you’re from a smaller area but happily service areas within a one-hour radius of you.

If you’ve ever wanted your website to show up in search results in multiple locations then the answer is simple: Geo Landing Pages.

In this article, we will take you step-by-step on how to create Geo Location pages for yourself.

Create Geo Landing Pages

What Exactly Are Geo Landing Pages?

Geo landing pages, sometimes known as Geo-Specific Landing Pages or simply location landing pages, are your secret weapon for conquering local search rankings.

The idea is simple, create a bespoke webpage targetting just that location and your services.

Geo landing page example

Each page is optimized with location-based keywords—such as “wedding photographer in [Your City]”—and packed with compelling content that resonates with your target audience.

In fact, Geo landing pages are a strategy that is often used by SEO agencies themselves. Many people look for SEO agencies near their location, So SEO agencies create geo landing pages for specific locations. King Kong Agency made one even for the rural town of Dubbo in NSW Australia.

SEO Geo landing page

How to Create a Geo Landing Page

Step 1: Identify Your Geo-Specific Locations

First up, you need to zero in on the locations that are crucial for your business. Whether you’re a photographer capturing weddings in the city, a website designer crafting digital experiences from a suburban home office, or a lawyer fighting for justice in multiple counties, knowing your key service areas is essential.

To nail this down, make use of SEO tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush. These platforms can help you gauge search volume and competition for your specific locations. Just input your service—such as “wedding photography,” —along with the geographic areas you’re targeting. This will yield geo-specific keywords like “wedding photographer in [Your City]” or “website designer in [Your Suburb]” that you can aim for.


Step 2: Create a Bespoke landing Page for each location

Get to work building out your Geo Location pages. It’s very important that you create one webpage per location.

It’s crucial that each page has unique content and images to avoid duplicate content issues. Even when using the same website template page, make sure to rewrite the text and use different images that are relevant to each specific location. This not only aids in SEO but also resonates more with the local audience.

I recommend designing one geo-location page and then duplicating it for the other locations to save on time. Once your 1st geo-location page is ready, duplicate and tailor it for each location. Change the content to reflect local keywords, landmarks, and cultural references. For instance, if you’re targeting a city known for its historic architecture, include images and content that highlight this.

Step 3: Start with the basics

Craft a Killer H1 with a Targeted Local Keyword Phrase

Now that you’ve got your geo-specific keywords, it’s time to make them shine in your H1 header tag. This is a crucial element for on-page SEO, and it’s your first impression to both search engines and visitors.

No matter your business, your H1 should be short, snappy, and anything but spammy.

Remember, there’s no hard and fast rule for character length here. The key is to naturally incorporate your targeted local keyword phrase in a way that speaks to your audience.

If you are struggling to add your exact keyword to the website text. Break your hero design into sections. Add H1 as your Keyword and then have a sales copy below as H2.

H1 text 1

Nail the Intro Content (First 100 Words)

Keyword prominence isn’t just a fancy term—it’s a ranking factor that can make or break your local SEO. Your target keyword should not only appear in the URL, title, and H1 but also within the first 100 words of your page. This sets the stage for both search engines and your audience.

Step 4: Optimize Text Naturally for Your Local Keyword Phrases

So you’ve got multiple locations you’re targeting—great! But here’s the catch: you can’t just copy-paste the same content and swap out the location name. Thanks to Google’s Panda update, that shortcut is a no-go. Each geo landing page needs its own unique, quality content that’s optimized for its specific location.


  • Photographers: If you’re optimizing for “wedding photography in Orange County,” your page should be a treasure trove of information about why you’re the go-to wedding photographer in Orange County. For “wedding photography in Long Beach,” create a separate, equally compelling page.
  • Website Designers: A page optimized for “website design services in [Suburb A]” should focus on the unique needs and opportunities in that suburb. For “[Suburb B],” craft another page that speaks directly to that audience.
  • Lawyers: If one page is targeting “personal injury lawyers in Orange County,” make sure it’s chock-full of content specific to personal injury law in Orange County.

Remember, the goal is to create quality content that naturally incorporates your local keyword phrases. This not only pleases the Google gods but also provides real value to your potential clients.

Step 5: Showcase Your Service Area with a Custom Map

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a map can be worth even more when it comes to local SEO. Whether you’re a photographer capturing scenic vistas, a website designer serving local businesses, or a lawyer fighting for justice in your community, a service-area map can add a layer of authenticity and clarity to your geo landing page.

Here’s How to Embed a Google Map:

  1. Search for Your Business on Google: Simply type your business name into the Google search bar.
  2. Navigate to Google Maps: Click on the Google Maps result for your business.
  3. Hit the Share Button: You’ll find this usually represented by a ‘share’ icon.
  4. Choose ‘Embed a Map’: This option will allow you to generate HTML code for the map.
  5. Copy the HTML Code: Just click on “Copy HTML” to grab the code.
  6. Embed on Your Geo Landing Page: Paste this HTML code into the appropriate section of your local landing page.

By embedding a customized map, you’re not just telling but showing your potential clients exactly where you operate. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance your geo landing pages.

Step 6: Spotlight Local Clients and Testimonials

Social proof is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to local businesses. Whether you’re a photographer capturing life’s milestones, a website designer transforming digital landscapes, or a lawyer advocating for justice, showcasing your local clients and their testimonials can add a layer of trust and credibility to your geo landing page.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Mention Notable Local Clients: If you’re a B2B company or have worked with recognizable names in the area, don’t hesitate to name-drop.
  2. Discuss the Work: Briefly outline the services you provided for these clients. Did you capture a stunning wedding album, design a cutting-edge website, or win a landmark legal case? Share it!
  3. Include Visuals: Photos speak volumes, but if they’re not available, company logos can also do the trick.
  4. Showcase Testimonials: Choose testimonials that are both local and keyword-specific. The more relevant, the better.


✔️ “The engagement photoshoot with [Your Company] was magical. They knew all the perfect spots in Orange County!” – Sarah J.

❌ “Great photos!”

Step 7: Don’t Forget Your NAP & Business Hours

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number, and it’s the bread and butter of local SEO. Whether you’re a photographer always on the move, a website designer working from a cozy home office, or a lawyer with a bustling downtown practice, displaying your NAP and business hours is crucial for both SEO and user experience.

Here’s What to Include:

  1. Business Name: Clearly state the name of your business.
  2. Address: Provide the full address of your service location or office.
  3. Phone Number: Make sure to include a contact number where clients can easily reach you.
  4. Business Hours: Let people know when you’re available for business.


  • Main Content: Incorporate these details naturally within the content of your geo landing page.
  • Footer: Alternatively, or in addition, you can place this information in the footer, especially if you have multiple physical locations.

By including your NAP and business hours, you’re making it a breeze for potential clients to find and contact you, while also giving your local SEO a boost.

Step 8: Images (Relevant To Location)

Visuals aren’t just eye candy; they’re an integral part of your geo landing page’s success. Whether you’re a photographer with a portfolio that speaks volumes, a website designer whose work is worth a thousand words, or a lawyer whose images convey trust and professionalism, the right visuals can make all the difference.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Choose Unique, Relevant Images: Pick photos that are not only relevant to your service but also resonate with the local audience of the specific geo landing page.
  2. Add Alt Tags: Don’t forget this crucial step! Adding alt tags to your images not only aids in accessibility but also gives your SEO a little extra oomph.

By incorporating location-relevant images with proper alt tags, you’re not just making your page visually appealing—you’re also optimizing it for local search.

Step 9: Master the Art of the Optimized Title Tag

The title tag is like the headline of your geo landing page in the eyes of search engines. It’s a small but mighty component that can significantly impact your local SEO. Whether you’re a photographer, a website designer, or a lawyer, a well-crafted title tag can set the stage for your page’s success.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Character Count: Keep it between 50-60 characters to ensure it displays correctly in search results.
  2. Include Targeted Keywords: Your local keyword phrase should be front and center, followed by your business name.

Ideal Structure:

The formula is simple but effective: Local Keyword Phrase | Company Name


✔️ “Personal Injury Lawyers in Long Beach | [Your Company Name]

❌ “Best Personal Injury Law Firm in Long Beach – Free Consultation”

Step 10: Craft a Click-Worthy Meta Description

Think of the meta description as the elevator pitch for your geo landing page. It might not be a direct ranking factor, but it can significantly influence click-through rates.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Character Count: Aim for approximately 156 characters to ensure your entire description is visible in search results.
  2. Keyword and Location: Include both your target keyword and the location you’re focusing on.


✔️ “Capture your special moments with top-notch wedding photography in Orange County. Book us now for unforgettable memories.”

❌ “Looking for a wedding photographer in Orange County? We offer various packages and are available for bookings.”

Step 11: Optimize Your URL for Maximum Impact

The URL might seem like a small detail, but it’s another piece of the SEO puzzle that Google takes into account. Whether you’re a photographer, a website designer, or a lawyer, a well-structured URL can give your geo landing page an extra SEO edge.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Include Target Keyword and/or Location: Your URL should be a simple, clean representation of your target keyword and location. The specifics may vary depending on your niche.

Example of a plumber with several locations in Arizona:

✔️ example.com/phoenix/

✔️ example.com/phoenix-website-designer


Step 12: Leverage Schema Markup for Local Optimization and Rich Snippets

Here’s a pro tip that often flies under the radar: Schema Markup. While it’s not a direct ranking factor, it can make your geo landing page stand out in search results with rich snippets. Schema Markup can give your page that extra flair in Google’s search results.

Here’s Why It Matters:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Schema Markup allows your business to appear in rich snippet results, which can include additional information like ratings, reviews, and business hours.
  2. Not a Ranking Factor, But…: While it won’t directly boost your rankings, it can improve click-through rates by making your listing more appealing and informative.

How to Implement:

  1. Use a Schema Markup Generator tool: Such as RankRanger to create a schema markup.
  2. Include Local Business Information: Make sure to include details like your business name, address, phone number, and business hours in the markup.

By leveraging Schema Markup, you’re not just aiming for the top spots in search rankings—you’re also optimizing for visibility and click-through rates, which can indirectly benefit your SEO.

Last but definitely not least, let’s talk about the art of interlinking. Interlinking your geo landing pages can create a web of relevance that Google loves.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Identify Opportunities for Interlinking: As you create content for each geo landing page, look for natural opportunities to link to your other location-specific pages.
  2. Use Descriptive Anchor Text: The anchor text should be relevant and descriptive, ideally incorporating the local keyword phrase for the page you’re linking to.


Let’s say you have a landing page targeting “Wedding Photography in San Diego” and within that content, you mention services in Oceanside. This is a golden opportunity to include an anchor link to your “Wedding Photography in Oceanside” landing page.

By strategically interlinking your geo landing pages, you’re not only enhancing the user experience but also sending positive signals to search engines about the relevance and authority of your pages.

Bonus Step: Index Your Website Through Google Search Console

You’ve put in the hard work, optimized every nook and cranny, and now your geo landing pages are ready to shine. But wait, there’s one more step to ensure that Google takes notice of all your efforts: indexing your website.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Log in to Google Search Console: If you haven’t set up an account yet, now’s the time. It’s a free tool provided by Google and is invaluable for website owners.
  2. Enter Your URL: Once logged in, go to the ‘URL inspection’ tool and enter the URL of your newly optimized geo landing page.
  3. Request Indexing: After the URL is analyzed, click on the ‘Request Indexing’ button.

By taking this extra step, you’re essentially giving Google a nudge to crawl and index your updated pages, helping to speed up the process of your changes being recognized and potentially improving your rankings.

Index website

Geo Location Landing Page Checklist

To easily remember what to include when designing your own Geo Location landing page use this checklist that includes every step that we mentioned above.

Geo location landing page checklist

What Not to do When Creating Geo Landing Pages

While it’s tempting to take shortcuts in hopes of quickly boosting your local SEO, some practices can do more harm than good. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

1. No “Doorway Pages”:

Doorway pages are designed to rank highly for specific search queries but provide little value to visitors, essentially funneling them to other parts of your website. Google frowns upon this practice, and it can result in penalties. For more on Google’s spam policies, you can read here.

What is a doorway page 1
Link: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/essentials/spam-policies

2. Avoid Duplicate Content:

As mentioned earlier, simply duplicating a page and changing the location name is a big no-no. This is against Google’s guidelines and can result in your pages being de-indexed.

Examples of What to Avoid:

  • Photographers: Don’t create a generic “Wedding Photography” page and then duplicate it for every city you serve. Each page should offer unique content and value.
  • Website Designers: Avoid creating a single “Website Design Services” page and then making copies for different suburbs. Each suburb should have its own unique page with specific content.
  • Lawyers: Don’t make a “Personal Injury Law” page and then create duplicates for each county or city. Each area should have its own dedicated page with unique, valuable content.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you’re setting your geo landing pages—and your business—up for genuine, long-term success.


What is a Geo Landing Page?

A Geo Landing Page is a webpage specifically designed to rank in local search results. It’s optimized for a particular geographic location and is an essential tool for local SEO.

Are Geo Landing Pages the Same as Doorway Pages?

No, they are not the same. Doorway pages are designed to trick search engines and offer little value to users. Geo Landing Pages, on the other hand, are legitimate, valuable resources for visitors interested in your local services.

How Many Geo Landing Pages Do I Need?

The number of geo landing pages you need depends on how many locations you serve. Each location should have its own dedicated, unique landing page.

Can I Just Duplicate My Landing Pages for Different Locations?

No, duplicating content and changing only the location name is against Google’s guidelines. Each geo landing page should offer unique, valuable content.

How Do I Make My Geo Landing Page Mobile-Friendly?

You can test the mobile-friendliness of your page using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. If your page isn’t mobile-friendly, the tool will offer suggestions for improvement.


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Showit SEO Coach

Author: Caitlin Christensen

Caitlin Christensen is an expert in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Owner of Creative SEO Coach. She specializes in optimizing websites built on popular web building platforms Showit and WordPress. With over 8 years of experience in the industry, Caitlin has helped countless small businesses and organizations improve their organic visibility on search engines.