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I'm Caitlin Christensen, the founder of Creative SEO Coach, with over 8 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. I specialise in SEO for Showit websites offering SEO Services and courses. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Showit Blog


By Caitlin Christensen

Blogging is one of the single greatest strategies you can implement for your business’s marketing and SEO. One of my favourite things about a Showit website is that it uses WordPress for its blogging.

In this article, we are going to cover how Showit enhances your blogging experience, step-by-step instructions for setting up your blog, essential design tips and more.

If you’re considering Showit for your website, why not start with a free month to explore all its features? Use this special code to get started: Grab Your Showit Discount Code Here.

How Does Blogging Work with Showit?

Showit pairs with WordPress to offer you both top-notch design flexibility and solid content management. Think of Showit as your creative playground where you can easily drag and drop design elements, no coding needed. You design directly in Showit’s user-friendly interface, ensuring each blog post visually aligns with your brand. Meanwhile, WordPress seamlessly handles the essentials like posts, categories, and archives in the background.

Managing your blog in Showit is straightforward—you customize your blog’s look while WordPress manages the content. This efficient combination allows you to focus on creating visually appealing posts that resonate with your brand, without sacrificing functionality. With Showit and WordPress, blogging becomes not just easier, but also a more enjoyable and creative process.

Watch the video below for more details.

Which Showit Plan Do You Need?

To start blogging with Showit, you’ll need to choose between the Showit & Basic Starter Blog or the Showit & Advanced Blog plan. I personally use and recommend the Showit & Advanced Blog plan to my clients because it allows the use of more plugins, which can significantly enhance your blog’s functionality and user experience. There are no additional subscriptions for using WordPress.

How to Set Up a Blog in Showit: Step-by-Step Instructions

Setting up a blog with Showit, using its integration with WordPress, is straightforward. Here’s your detailed guide to get you blogging in no time:

Step 1: Sign Up for Showit:

  • Visit the Showit website and choose a subscription plan that fits your needs. Each plan offers different features and capabilities, so consider what will best support your blogging goals.
  • Once you select your plan, create an account to get started.

Step 2: Choose a Template:

  • If you are on a budget you can use a free Showit template supplied in the Showit Library.
  • You can pay for a blog template. Google ‘Showit Blog Templates’ to find some online. If you buy one follow the instructions to add to Showit.

Check out Creative SEO Coach’s Blog template it is optimized for SEO and success.

Showit library

Step 3: Customize Your Template:

Once you have chosen your template you can now customise it to match the rest of your website. Adjust layouts, change color schemes, modify fonts, and add your own branding elements.

Step 4: Configure Your WordPress Settings:

Log in to your WordPress dashboard to configure settings like permalinks, categories, and plugins.


If you’re just starting your blog, update your permalink structure to be only ‘Post Name’ in the ‘Permalink Structure’. This ensures that

⚠️ If you already have a blog and want to change your permalink structure. Making a change will lead to broken blog links, so I don’t recommend doing it. If you really need to change them, use a tool like Yoast Premium or Rankmath Premium to help set up redirects smoothly.

Make sure you check the settings before making this change.


Think of categories like folders on your computer. They help you organize your blog posts so both your visitors and search engines can find what they’re looking for more easily. When setting up categories in your WordPress dashboard, use clear and simple names that describe the topics you blog about. This not only makes your site easier to navigate but also helps improve your SEO.


Plugins are like apps for your blog—they add new features and improve your site’s functionality. Need extra tools for SEO or a way to keep your blog safe? Plugins have you covered. Start by exploring our recommended plugins for Showit blogs to make your site even better: Best Plugins for Showit. Remember, using the right plugins can make your blog not just look good but also work smoothly but you don’t want too many because they can slow down your website.

Step 5: Launch Your Blog:

After setting everything up and customizing your designs, review your blog to ensure everything looks and functions as expected. Remember to customise both desktop and mobile.

Once you are happy, it’s time to launch! Publish your site through Showit, and your content will start appearing under your domain.

How To Log In To WordPress

To access your WordPress dashboard for blog management, simply navigate to your blog’s domain in a web browser and append /wp-admin to the URL, like this: yourdomainhere.com/wp-admin.

Wordpress login showit

This will direct you to a Showit-branded login page. Once there, you can log in with your credentials to manage your blog directly through the WordPress interface. This setup allows you to seamlessly integrate Showit’s design capabilities with WordPress’s powerful blogging tools.

Showit wordpress login

Essential Pages for Your Showit Blog

  1. Blog Homepage
  2. Single Blog Post Page
  3. Category Page
  4. 404 Page

1. Blog Homepage

Your blog’s homepage is crucial as it’s often the first page visitors will see. It should provide a clear overview of what your blog offers. Feature your latest or most popular posts prominently, and include intuitive navigation to your category pages. Make sure the design is visually appealing and aligns with the overall branding of your Showit site.

2. Single Blog Post Page

This is where your visitors read the content they came for, so it needs to be engaging. Use Showit to design this page with reader-friendly elements like clear headings, readable fonts, and eye-catching images. Also, include interactive features like social share buttons and comments to encourage engagement. The goal is to keep readers on the page and interacting with your content.

3. Category Page

Your category pages help visitors find more of what they’re interested in and keep them browsing your site longer. Organize your posts into clear, topic-based categories and use Showit to design these pages to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Good category pages not only enhance the user experience but also boost your site’s SEO by structuring your content more effectively.

4. 404 Page

A 404 error page appears when someone tries to reach a page on your site that doesn’t exist. Instead of a standard error message, design a helpful and creative 404 page using Showit. You should have 404 page on your Showit website and if you have a blog you need to create a blog 404 page.

There are two ways to create a blog 404 page.

  1. Duplicate your website 404 page
  2. Make a new 404 page
Method 1: Duplicate Your Showit 404 Page
  1. Locate your 404 Showit page and click on the 3 dots (…)
  2. Select ‘Copy to Blog Template’
Duplicate 404 to blog
Method 2: Make a new 404 page
  1. Start by Navigating to Blog Templates: Open your Showit dashboard and look for the Blog Templates section in the left side Site Panel.
  2. Add a New Blog Template: Click the + icon next to Blog Templates, and select “Add blank Blog Template.”
  3. Name Your Template: Suggest naming your new template “404-2” for clarity.
  4. Set the WordPress Template: Once you’ve named your template, click on the “WordPress 404” page you’ve just created. Then, in the right side Properties Panel under the Template Info tab, set the WordPress Template to “404.”
404 settings

Best Design Practices for Showit Blog

When designing your Showit blog, there are a few key ingredients to make sure it not only catches the eye but also keeps visitors scrolling. Here’s how you can design a blog that’s as functional as it is beautiful:

Visual Hierarchy: The Art of Attraction

Create a clear path for your readers’ eyes. Use big, bold headlines and play with colors to spotlight the important stuff. It’s like putting up signs in a museum—guide your visitors smoothly from one exhibit (post) to another.

Readability: Keep it Clear and Snappy

Pick simple fonts and make sure your text stands out against the background. Nobody wants to squint! Stick to font sizes that are easy on the eyes—16-20pt on desktops, 12-16pt on phones. If you wouldn’t read it because it’s a strain, neither will your audience. Google’s got tools like the Color Contrast Checker to help you pick the perfect palette.

Above the Fold: First Impressions Matter

The stuff at the top of your blog when someone first lands—that’s your hook. Pack your most punchy, engaging bits here. It’s like the window display at a shop; make it irresistible, and they’ll come in for more. Donald Miller swears by this in his book “Building A StoryBrand”—get your main message up front and center.

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Nifty Features to Boost Your Blog

  • Search Bar: Make it easy to find the good stuff. It’s like having a helpful librarian who knows exactly where everything is.
  • Social Share Buttons: Make sharing a no-brainer. It’s the digital equivalent of “spread the word.”
  • Your Bio: Show Your Expertise: Your bio is more than just a friendly hello; it’s a powerful tool to establish your authority. Like a badge of expertise at a conference, it quickly shows readers why they should trust and listen to you. This is key under the EEAT principles, which emphasize the importance of showcasing your experience and authority. Check out more about EEAT and why it matters for your SEO at What is EEAT in SEO?.

Embrace the Space

White space isn’t just empty air—it’s breathing room for your content. Like pauses in a conversation, it helps readers digest what they’ve read. A clean, uncluttered layout means a more enjoyable reading adventure.

By mixing these design elements wisely, your Showit blog won’t just draw visitors in—it’ll make them want to stay, explore, and come back for more. For my favourite tools to improve your website and SEO check out our article: 11x Best SEO Tools for Small Business.

Submitting Your Showit Blog Sitemap

Since your Showit site integrates with WordPress, you’ll need to submit two sitemaps: one for your main Showit website and another for your WordPress blog. This double submission covers all bases, ensuring that both aspects of your site are fully discoverable by search engines. Dive into our step-by-step guide: Showit Blog Sitemap Submission.

Is Showit Good for SEO?

When it comes to SEO, Showit has some impressive capabilities. By combining the visual flexibility of Showit with the powerful blogging backbone of WordPress, you get the best of both worlds—stunning design and solid SEO foundations. For a deep dive into how Showit supports SEO efforts, don’t miss our detailed analysis in the article: Is Showit Good for SEO?

If you are looking to optimize your Showit website for better search engine performance? Our Showit SEO services are tailored specifically to help Showit users achieve higher rankings and increase organic traffic.

We’ve covered essential aspects of blogging with Showit—from designing engaging pages and setting up your blog to optimizing SEO with sitemaps. Showit offers a unique combination of design freedom and robust SEO options, making it a compelling choice for anyone serious about their blogging game. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to revamp your blog, Showit provides the tools you need to create a visually appealing and SEO-friendly blog. Dive in and explore what Showit can do for your blogging needs—you won’t be disappointed!

Blogging 101 COurse

Do you blog? Then, this course is for you. It covers everything you need to know about blogging, from increasing your website's traffic to enhancing your overall SEO strategy.

Blogging 101



Showit SEO Coach

Author: Caitlin Christensen

Caitlin Christensen is an expert in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Owner of Creative SEO Coach. She specializes in optimizing websites built on popular web building platforms Showit and WordPress. With over 8 years of experience in the industry, Caitlin has helped countless small businesses and organizations improve their organic visibility on search engines.