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I'm Caitlin Christensen, the founder of Creative SEO Coach, with over 8 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. I specialise in SEO for Showit websites offering SEO Services and courses. 

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7x Best Copywriting Services for Showit Websites 


By Caitlin Christensen

Are you looking for top-notch copywriting services for your Showit website?

Finding the right words to represent your brand and connect with your audience is crucial, and the right copywriting service can make all the difference.

This guide explores 7x of the best copywriting services specifically tailored for Showit websites.

Copywriting services showit websites

1: Bossy Creative

Bossy Creative positions itself as a copywriting supergroup with a bold and humorous approach to writing. They bring a collective skill set from writers across Australia, focusing on creating content that is not just effective but also entertaining.

They are first on the list as I have personally used them for a separate business years ago, they are beyond creative and will make your brand standout.

Services Offered: They offer a range of copywriting services including tone of voice development, brand copywriting, website copywriting, blog writing, marketing, and media copywriting. Their services are comprehensive, covering everything from social media captions to complete website copy and ongoing content creation through flexible retainers.

Pricing Structure: Their pricing starts at $1500 for most services, with specific packages like tone of voice and web copy packages beginning at higher rates ($5500 and $3700 respectively). They also offer a unique self-paced course, Bossy. Copy College, for those looking to DIY their copywriting.

Unique Selling Point: What sets Bossy Creative apart is their distinctive style – a blend of humor, boldness, and creativity. They don’t just write copy; they craft brand personalities and stories that resonate with audiences.

For more detailed insights and to view their projects, you can visit their services page and main website.

Bossy Creative

2: The Literary Co

The Literary Co specializes in creating confident and refined messaging aimed at helping clients reach their big dreams and ideas. Their focus is on copywriting and quiz funnels for creative entrepreneurs, emphasizing powerful messaging to attract high-ticket, best-fit clients.

Services Offered: Their services are comprehensive, focusing on website copywriting and brand messaging. The Literary Co offers two main website copywriting packages: ‘The Unabridged’ and ‘The Abbreviation’. ‘The Unabridged’ includes up to 6 pages of website copy, a brand messaging guide, customer interviews, SEO research, and more, priced at $7,500. ‘The Abbreviation’ offers up to 5 pages of website copy and SEO optimization, starting at $5,000. Both packages involve a strategic and collaborative approach, including revision rounds and a 90-minute strategy call.

Unique Approach: The Literary Co distinguishes itself through its in-depth approach to understanding and translating clients’ unique brand stories. They focus on delivering more than just words; they aim to create a narrative and strategy that resonates with the client’s target audience. This includes detailed research, brand messaging strategy, and SEO best practices to ensure the website stands out and attracts the right clients.

Educational Resources and Blog: The Literary Co also offers a variety of educational resources and blog posts covering topics like copywriting, brand messaging, SEO, and business strategies. These resources aim to provide valuable insights for businesses looking to improve their online presence and messaging.

For more information and to view their portfolio, you can visit their main website and services page.

The Literacy co

3: Liberty Type

Liberty Type is a dynamic agency specializing in brand strategy, design, copywriting, and website design. They focus on creating cohesive brands that resonate with their target audience, blending strategy with aesthetics for a comprehensive brand presence.

Services and Process: Liberty Type offers a complete package of services that includes strategy, branding, copywriting, and web design. Their unique approach, known as The Liberty Type Blueprint, is designed to revolutionize brands in just 12 weeks. This process is segmented into different phases, each lasting a few weeks, covering various aspects like strategy development, copywriting, branding, web design, and launch planning. They emphasize collaboration and precision, ensuring that the final output is a harmonious blend of all elements.

Pricing and Value: The agency provides an affordable solution with a comprehensive package priced under $10,000. This is quite competitive considering the individual costs of services like strategy, copywriting, branding, and web design when sourced separately. Clients can opt for a payment plan, making the services more accessible.

Unique Selling Points: Liberty Type stands out with its holistic approach, combining different aspects of brand building under one roof. The focus on creating a unified brand experience, from strategy to design, sets them apart. Also, the founder’s journey and vision add a personal touch to the agency, emphasizing empowerment and creativity.

For more detailed information, visit Liberty Type’s homepage, team overview, and service description.

Liberty Type co

4: Creative SEO Coach

Some shameless self-promotion. While we (Creative SEO Coach) aren’t strictly a copywriting agency. Our SEO Web Design does include Copywriting. So your website is infused with all the SEO juice it can muster. Creative SEO Coach specializes in SEO for Creative industries, blending aesthetic design with robust SEO strategies.

Services Offered: Their services include comprehensive SEO Web Design, combined with the 7-day SEO-intensive optimization package tailored for Showit users. You can check out all of our Showit SEO Services here.

Unique Features: Creative SEO Coach is distinct for its focus on creative industries and prioritizing SEO in marketing strategies. They are an ideal choice for businesses where SEO plays a crucial role in their marketing efforts.

For more information, visit the Creative SEO Coach website.

Creative seo coach SEO web design

5: Pepperstorm Media

Pepperstorm Media is a dynamic team of writers, editors, SEO experts, and social media superstars. They bring a diverse skill set and a shared passion for language and creativity to every project, serving a broad range of industries with positivity and professionalism. Their global team members bond over their shared interests in language, travel, and a love for coffee.

Services Offered: Their copywriting services focus on capturing a brand’s voice to entertain, educate, and inspire the target audience. They offer a range of services including website copywriting, blog management, rolling monthly blogs, landing page copywriting, content refresh, and newsletters. These services aim to influence how an online audience views a business significantly.

Unique Approach: Pepperstorm Media differentiates itself with its ability to scale up to any job requirement and its flexibility to adapt to the client’s needs. They have explored numerous industries, providing them with a broad knowledge base to leverage in their copywriting and SEO services.

For more detailed information, you can visit Pepperstorm Media’s homepage and their copywriting services page. Their About page also provides a closer look at their team and ethos.

Peppercorn media

6: What Sara Said

“What Sara Said” specializes in personality-packed website copywriting, primarily for photographers and creative business owners. Sara, the founder, focuses on crafting words that inspire and resonate with her clients’ audiences, helping them stand out in saturated markets.

Services Offered: Sara offers a range of copywriting services that include website copywriting, group coaching, and courses. She emphasizes infusing creative businesses with stories and the heart behind the work to increase profit margins and boost client confidence. Her services aim to capture the essence of a creative business in words, enhancing its online presence and appeal.

Unique Features: “What Sara Said” is notable for its tailored approach to each client, ensuring that the copywriting reflects their unique voice and brand identity. Sara’s background as an educator and strategist allows her to provide not only copywriting services but also education and guidance on how to effectively communicate a brand’s message.

Educational Offerings: One of Sara’s notable offerings is her course, “Words That Click,” designed specifically for photographers. This course teaches effective website copywriting and includes lessons on SEO, keyword research, and crafting compelling page titles and meta descriptions.

For more detailed information about her services and to view her portfolio, visit What Sara Said’s website. You can also learn more about her website copywriting course for photographers on this page.

What Sara Said

7: Salted Pages

Salted Pages is an agency that specializes in SEO website copywriting, blog posts, and email funnels, particularly catering to entrepreneurs. They focus on infusing storytelling with SEO strategies to stir up organic leads and sales, aiming to help businesses stand out while also growing sustainably.

Services Offered: The agency provides a variety of services including SEO copywriting, where they integrate SEO tactics into compelling copy to boost rankings and attract ideal clients. They emphasize creating a unique brand voice for each business, ensuring that the messaging aligns with the client’s values and goals. Their approach involves considering the full picture of a client’s online presence, from discovery on Google to the user experience on their website.

Educational Resources and Templates: Salted Pages offers resources like website copywriting templates, which include fill-in-the-blank templates for home, about, and services pages, along with guides for keyword placements and calls to action. These resources aim to simplify the copywriting process for entrepreneurs and help them achieve a natural SEO boost on their websites.

For more information about their services, you can explore their main website and the website copywriting template bundle. Additionally, their blog post discusses the synergy between web design and copywriting, providing insights into their approach and methodology.

Salted Pages

How much does website copywriting cost?

The cost of website copywriting varies based on several factors like the experience of the copywriter, the complexity of the project, and the amount of content needed. Generally, prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. It’s important for clients to consider the value of high-quality, SEO-optimized content, which not only enhances the website’s appeal but also boosts its visibility online.

How to do copywriting for a website?

Effective website copywriting involves understanding the target audience, creating compelling and clear content, and incorporating SEO principles. It’s crucial to focus on the benefits of your services or products, use a tone that resonates with your audience, and include relevant keywords for SEO. Remember, the goal is to engage visitors and encourage them to take action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or reaching out for more information.

Should I hire a copywriter for my website?

Hiring a professional copywriter can significantly benefit your website. A skilled copywriter can craft content that not only speaks to your audience but also aligns with your brand’s voice and SEO strategy. While it’s an investment, professional copywriting can lead to better engagement, higher search engine rankings, and an improved overall online presence.


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Showit SEO Coach

Author: Caitlin Christensen

Caitlin Christensen is an expert in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Owner of Creative SEO Coach. She specializes in optimizing websites built on popular web building platforms Showit and WordPress. With over 8 years of experience in the industry, Caitlin has helped countless small businesses and organizations improve their organic visibility on search engines.