The results:

  • Before: Averaging just 3 clicks per day.
  • After: A staggering 19 clicks per day.
  • Total Increase: An incredible 533% improvement!

the Journey:

Kick-Off Call: Caitlin taught Sara the basics of SEO, walked her through the website issues, and presented a custom strategy for SEO success.

7-Day Intensive Optimization: Sara had a great foundation with solid backlinks but needed help fixing backend issues — a common problem for websites that have been live for years and gone through multiple redesigns. Over the next week, we gave her website a serious boost with on-page and technical SEO fixes.

End-of-Session Call: We wrapped up by showing Sara how to keep her website optimized and gave her simple steps to stay on track.

The Strategy:

Sara’s industry in Australia is highly competitive, so Caitlin and her team focused on optimizing her core web pages for relevant, high-traffic keywords. This helped improve Sara’s search rankings and organic traffic for her primary services. The team didn’t stop there:

Keyword Research & Implementation: Using thorough keyword research, we identified the most relevant search terms that potential clients were using. We then strategically integrated these keywords into Sara’s web content to maximize her chances of ranking higher.

Content Restructuring & Enhancement: We streamlined Sara's core web pages to ensure that her brand message and services were clearly communicated and aligned with her SEO goals. This restructuring not only made her website more user-friendly but also allowed search engines to better understand her content.

Case Study Optimization: Additionally, Caitlin’s team optimized Sara’s case studies to rank for less competitive, highly specific keywords like “branding for schools” and “construction company branding.” This targeted strategy allowed Sara to rank for smaller-volume keywords that bolstered her overall rankings for more competitive terms.

Specific Keyword Focus: By honing in on specialized, long-tail keywords directly tied to her case studies, Sara started ranking for terms like “branding for non-profits” and “hospitality branding,” bringing in potential clients looking for those specific services.

Cross-Linking Opportunities: We created internal links between relevant case studies and her core web pages to ensure a seamless user experience and improved SEO performance. This cross-linking helped strengthen her website's overall keyword relevance.

Content Enrichment: We enriched her case studies with compelling narratives and visual elements, making them more engaging for readers and informative for search engines.

"I’m blown away with my experience with Caitlin and Creative SEO Coach. "

"The 7-day SEO Intensive service was exactly what I needed. Caitlin has an incredibly impressive knowledge of SEO and I learned soooo much along the way. She takes the reins in the backend of your site, talks you through everything in a friendly and understandable way, and spreads her wealth of knowledge throughout. I was impressed in her well-rounded approach, looking at not just my keywords and website structure, but at Google My Business, backlinks, and finding niches to rank for. I felt like I was in such good hands through the whole experience. A fantastic investment that I'm so glad I made. I will be recommending her to my web design clients as well!"

Sara Bowers, Brand Designer

After the 7-Day Intensive, Sara barely had to do a thing to keep her website in tip-top shape. The strategy Caitlin and her team implemented kept traffic growing steadily, proving the power of a solid SEO foundation.

Ready to watch your clicks soar?

🚀 Book your 7-Day Intensive today and let Caitlin and her team at Creative SEO Coach take your business to new heights!

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